Swarovski Waterschool 烏干達於2009年在 烏干達西南部 Kanungu 區 的布恩迪難以穿越的國家公園附近開始 。 該項目 與Bwindi Mgahinga 保護信託基金合作,旨在與學生和家庭合作,改善獲得安全用水和衛生設施的可用性。它還採用了參與式方法,旨在提高知識水平並促進所有受益者實現可持續用水的行為改變。
In a region where environmental changes can make access to clean water particularly scarce, Swarovski Waterschool Uganda has commissioned the Banyara Gravity Flow Scheme, and supplied rainwater tanks and sanitary facilities for all schools in the program. Through the participation in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Clubs, students learn about sustainable water and effective sanitation practices. Swarovski Waterschool was also able to open a water supply system for 20 villages in the region and 20 water-boiling facilities at schools, as well as, construct of 40 ventilated, improved pit latrines for better sanitation and hygiene.