A Swarovski Waterschool China foi fundada em 2008 e atualmente está ativa em nove regiões ao longo do rio Yangtze, desde sua nascente no planalto tibetano até sua foz no Mar da China. Desde o seu início, o programa expandiu-se para outras bacias fluviais, incluindo o Rio das Pérolas, no sul da China, o Rio Yarlung Tsampo, no Tibete, e o Rio Hai, em Pequim.
The objective of Swarovski Waterschool China is to foster environmental stewardship through participatory learning and action, by schools and communities, in the selected watersheds of four major river basins. It seeks to enhance education, encourage stewardship, and build community vitality. The topic of water is taught by specially trained school teachers and built into lessons, in a wide range of subjects, in imaginative ways, as special activities are developed for the students. Students have a minimum of one hour of water education per week and a total of 30 hours annually.