
Parceiro Swarovski Waterschool:
Instituto Criança do Solo e Fundação Amazonas Sustentável (FAS)

A Swarovski Waterschool Brasil foi fundada em 2014 em parceria com o Earth Child Institute e trabalha com 35 escolas no estado do Pará. Em 2016, a Swarovski Waterschool associou-se à FAS para começar a expandir o programa para o estado da Amazônia, trabalhando com 10 escolas adicionais para ajudar a aumentar a conscientização da água e do meio ambiente, bem como apoiar soluções locais e adaptação às questões ambientais.

Creating Water-Wise Communities:



Estudantes educado


Escolas alcançado


Professores treinado


Comunidade membros envolvido
Swarovski Waterschool program in Brazil aims to preserve Amazon habitats, raise awareness of the importance of water conservation, and train students and teachers to take the activities to other schools and communities.
The workshop module approach of this program engages children in hands-on solutions to local water issues. The program seeks to strengthen behavior change and values related to water, encourage the sharing of experiences with schools and civil society, and inspire practical and sustainable local actions to preserve and protect waterways and riverside communities.
Swarovski Waterschool program in Brazil aims to preserve Amazon habitats, raise awareness of the importance of water conservation, and train students and teachers to take the activities to other schools and communities.
The workshop module approach of this program engages children in hands-on solutions to local water issues. The program seeks to strengthen behavior change and values related to water, encourage the sharing of experiences with schools and civil society, and inspire practical and sustainable local actions to preserve and protect waterways and riverside communities.