Parceiro Swarovski Waterschool:
O National Grande Rivers Research & Education Cente

Em 2016, a Swarovski Waterschool expandiu seus esforços para dois novos países, sendo um deles os Estados Unidos da América. Seguindo a jornada ao longo dos grandes rios do mundo, parecia que o ajuste natural era iniciar um projeto no rio Mississippi. No Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Educação de Grandes Rios, na região de St. Louis Metro East, a Swarovski Waterschool encontrou um grande parceiro para preparar o caminho para o sucesso do projeto Waterschool.

Creating Water-Wise Communities:



Estudantes educado


Escolas alcançado


Professores treinado


Comunidade membros envolvido
The goal of the Swarovski Waterschool United States of America is to increase the understanding of the human connection to and reliance on a healthy and functioning river ecosystem. The focus of the program is developing a curriculum to better connect Mississippi River communities to the river through strategic water education that is responsive to the needs, desires, and circumstances specific to the local communities.
These goals will be achieved by first assessing youth and educator knowledge and perceptions of the Mississippi River, determining perceived or real concerns about the river, including such issues as access to safe drinking water, and finally designing a framework responsive of the local community for developing and implementing a successful Swarovski Waterschool USA.
The goal of the Swarovski Waterschool United States of America is to increase the understanding of the human connection to and reliance on a healthy and functioning river ecosystem. The focus of the program is developing a curriculum to better connect Mississippi River communities to the river through strategic water education that is responsive to the needs, desires, and circumstances specific to the local communities.
These goals will be achieved by first assessing youth and educator knowledge and perceptions of the Mississippi River, determining perceived or real concerns about the river, including such issues as access to safe drinking water, and finally designing a framework responsive of the local community for developing and implementing a successful Swarovski Waterschool USA.